Monday, June 7, 2010

Who do we really look up too?

When you watch sport we all have our favourite player we cheer for them we watch them play we have poster all over around our room of them but have you ever stopped and thought what are they like off the field? they could be the nicest guy you have met in your life or they could have a dark background that they want no one to no about. for example Michel Vick ex Atlanta Falcons quarterback current Philadelphia Eagles quarterback on his day one of the most dominate players in the league many fan loved him but when the spot light was off him he was in back allies of America street fighting dogs most of the time to the death for a few extra dollars. Michel Vick was found guilty and was put in prison for 23months.

one of the most resemble sport star that was in trouble with the law was O.J Simpson he is one of the most famous NFL player too play the game he was the first person ever to rush for more then 2000m in one season. O.J was charged with murdering his ex wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldmen in 1994 and was facing 9-33 years in prison after a long trail of nine months the longest jury trail in California history he was found not guilty but 10 years later he was arrested for robbery and kidnapping and was put in jail for 33 years before he was sentenced he begged the judge not to put him in jail. Many people were against O.J Simpson going to jail but the one person that was happy to see him go to jail was Ronald Goldman father he said"that sob deserves whatever he gets and i hope he doesn't get out of jail for the rest of his life".

another person we have looked up to in the past is sonny Liston at one stage one of the most promising boxers in world he won titles and was untouchable at one stage in his career he was the first every black person to win a boxing title and a lot of people had it in for him at the time calling him negro and many other names. sonny Liston was arrested for assault and robbery to not take much crap from people if you insulted him or his wife he wasn't going to take it lightly. Sonny Liston was found guilty and was sentence to 5 years in prison but only served 2 year he was able to get out on early bail. Sonny Liston one of the greatest boxers died from a drug over doze he had a life fear of needles his death is still a mistory.

these are just three players that people have looked up too in the past only too be let down these players have to live with what they have done one has had a 2nd chance at life 1 is dead and 1 is more then likely to be in prison until he dies. Sometimes we have to make sure who we look up too and make sure our kids are looking upo to the right people so the don't do the same thing.

By Blake Rigby

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