Monday, June 14, 2010


interview Janelle Rigby (mum)

Blake. Do you think think that technology will help kids at school by using computer or do you think they should still use books?

Janelle. Yes computers are good but then i think kids today should use there skills to use books and there brain to spell instead of a computer to spelling the word for them.

Blake. if it was up too you would you rather your son/daughter use a book or computer in class?

Janelle. You can use computer to an certain extent like use computer to look up things you don't no or to look for an answer but then go back and put it in your own works in your book.

Blake. Do you read online news papers?

Janelle. Yes i do sometimes but i don't like it as much i just fell that im not getting all the facts in the articles i read.

Would you rather buy newspaper from the shop or read it online?

Janelle. I would rather buy the newspaper from the shop it costs $2 but who cares i think its better flicking throw the paper the scrolling down the computer. i fell that you are getting the cold hard facts and there is nothing left outs.

Blake. what do you think about facebook and twitter?

Janelle. I love facebook i am on there every day seeing what is happening i have never used twitter though so i wouldnt no what it is like but facebook is great

interview my margrat Kearney (nan)

Blake. Do you think that technolgy will help kids at school by using computers or do you think they should use books?

Margrat. They should use books because using computer is making them all lazy and when it comes to test they are not going to want to write.

Blake. If it was up too you would you rather your son/daughter work on computers or in books?

Margrat. I would rather them writeing in books i don't think they need computers they have teachers there and they should be teaching them.

Blake. Do you read online newspapers?

Margrat. No because i don't have a computer at my house

Blake. if you had a computer would you read it online or still buy it from the shop?

Margrat. Yes i would rather read it the newspaper online then buy it from the shops.

Blake. what do you think about facebook and twitter?

Margrat. I think facebook is the stupidest thing in the world everyone need to wake up and get off it because people are getting them self into trouble you here it all the time on the news people died throw contact she with people she didnt no on facebook and thenthere is fight cause of facebook as everyone seen a couple of weeks ago on the news at figtree high. i have never heard of twitter but i bet it is just as bad as facebook

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