Monday, March 1, 2010

State of play film review

State Of Play

Directed by Kevin Mcdonald

State Of Play was based on a British TV show I haven't seen but I must say this movie was quiet brilliant.

The story plays out as follows:
Congressman Stephen Collins (Ben Affleck) is a fast rising star in government and is soon to be a senate hearing chairman but his life turns upside down when his resarch assistant is killed.

Journalist Cal McCaffrey (Russel Crowe) investigates the accident along with the murder of a junkie on Washington's mean streets. McCaffrey treads the fine line between maintaining his long-standing friendship with Collins while remaining committed to the demands of his editor Cameron (Mirren).

As McCaffrey and hot shot reporter Della Frye (Mcadams) discover the connection between the murders they sink deeper and deeper into a dangerous world of conspiracy and political intrigue.

As the fleshy, flawed McAffrey, Crowe manages to avoids the trapping of playing a classic antihero. Crowes's McAffrey is both hack and friend, constantly torn between journalistic integrity and a desire to protect his old mate from the vultures he works with.

This movie wasn't all about Russel Crowe (though he did pull off a brilliant performance), just as good was Ben Affleck while Rachel McAdams,Robin Wright Penn and Helen Mirren are all consistent.

I give this movie 4 stars out of 5

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