Monday, March 22, 2010

post 2

I think that technology has changed how we see the news now. I think that the journalist back in the day had a lot more trouble then the journalist have it now back in the day the journalist had to write the story out then take it to the editor but now the journalist get the key facts and messages it to the editor or just ring them and tell then the key facts.

I think that technologies has impacted how the new has been told a lot one way is computers you use to have to wait until you heard it on the radio or wait until 6.00 came around to hear the new and find out what has been happening in the world. But the Internet is the new way to see whats happen all day and every second of the day all the newspaper have their on own website and you can go on their and see what is happen every second of the day.

another way we have heard the news that has change from the furture has been tv's the news is on every night at 6.00 to find out the main head lines thought the day and what the weather will be like though the week.

another way the news will be told is though your i pod touch's and mobile phones these already have applications on them and are just expect to take over the application world

By Blake Rigby

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