Monday, April 19, 2010

When i got to tafe today Peter came and told me that our computers that we were suppose to use were taken for another half hour so Peter told us to go find a spot any where in the tafe and see what happens in 20 mins with no pen and no paper and come back and write it all down so here's what happened.

when i first sat down the first thing i noticed was that the grass was wet in this area i don't no why the one stop i sat was wet and rest of the grass was dry. another thing i noticed there were a lot of people walking though some were adults some were teenagers just getting here from school. i think i counted in that short time around 83 people and 2 security guards.

the next thing that i had noticed there was a lot of noise coming from the free way right next to me there were a lot of cars going past and they were way to quick to count i was very surprised when i saw one car going that slow that you could see what kind of car it was a Holden Ute read with a pink strip down the side of it.

there was one thing that made me laugh it was when i bird was flying down and shit on a lady's hair i don't think she noticed cause she kept on walking the lady had a pink shirt on with black paints she had dark hair as well.

the thing that got me angry was the bird that would no shut up the whole time i was there they weren't quiet for one minute they were so loud and annoying.

so thats what i saw in the short 20min i was sitting there

by blake rigby

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